Sunday, September 25, 2011

Start command prompt from context menu in windows

Hi folks,

Again another techie blog.

 This is to solve a simple problem we all face quite often in our daily life. Mainly QA person and developers face this. For getting Command prompt from any opened folder we have to open command prompt then copy the path then paste and ...... long process... Huh..

So here is a simple solution, copy the following text in a .reg file and save that. Now run it once, In some secured system it may ask for admin rights, as it will update the registry. But no worry, just allow it. After that on any right click of any folder will give u an option to open command prompt from there.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Start Command Prompt From Here"
"@author"="Aniruddha Dutta Chowdhury"

@="cmd /k pushd \"%1\""