Hi friends,
When we want to format, type cast and convert numbers in JAVASCRIPT with multilingual support, there are none. So came out with this.
This supports European & English both kind of number formatting. While using this, just set the basic 3 variables.
Save the code with any name, say NumberFormatter.js then call like this with jQuery
The code for Javascript file starts from here....
Hope this will help you all. So long till next time...
When we want to format, type cast and convert numbers in JAVASCRIPT with multilingual support, there are none. So came out with this.
This supports European & English both kind of number formatting. While using this, just set the basic 3 variables.
Save the code with any name, say NumberFormatter.js then call like this with jQuery
{ url: 'NumberFormatter.js', dataType: "script", success: function(){
NumberFormatter._tSep = '<get the data from user profile with server side code>>'; NumberFormatter._dSep = '<get the data from user profile with server side code>'; NumberFormatter.DEFAULT_PRECISION = <get the data from user profile with server side code>;
} }
The code for Javascript file starts from here....
String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); };
function NumberFormatter(){}
NumberFormatter._tSep = ',';
NumberFormatter._dSep = '.';
NumberFormatter.DEFAULT_PRECISION = 2;
NumberFormatter.setThousandSeparator = function(tSep){
NumberFormatter._tSep = tSep;
NumberFormatter.setDecimalSeparator = function(dSep){
NumberFormatter._dSep = dSep;
NumberFormatter.getInteger = function(num2Get){
return NumberFormatter.parseNumber(num2Get, true);
NumberFormatter.getDecimal = function(num2Get, decimalPrecision){
return NumberFormatter.parseNumber(num2Get, false, decimalPrecision);
* this function is to be used before sending
* to server side.
NumberFormatter.parseNumber = function(num2Get, isNumberOnly, a_decimalPrecision){
if(num2Get == ""){
return "";
var tSep = NumberFormatter._tSep;
var dSep = NumberFormatter._dSep;
var parts = (num2Get + "").split(dSep);
var firstPart = parts[0];
var decPrec = (typeof(a_decimalPrecision) != "undefined" && !isNaN(a_decimalPrecision) && a_decimalPrecision >= 0) ? a_decimalPrecision : NumberFormatter.DEFAULT_PRECISION;
var secondPart = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : "00";
if(secondPart.trim() == ""){
secondPart = "00";
var tSepIndex = firstPart.indexOf(tSep);
while(tSepIndex >= 0){
firstPart = firstPart.replace(tSep, "");
tSepIndex = firstPart.indexOf(tSep, tSepIndex);
return parseInt(firstPart);
if(isNaN(firstPart) || isNaN(secondPart))
return NaN;
//alert(Math.round(parseFloat(firstPart + "." + secondPart)*Math.pow(10,decPrec))/Math.pow(10,decPrec));
return Math.round(parseFloat(firstPart + "." + secondPart)*Math.pow(10, decPrec)) / Math.pow(10, decPrec);
function roundVal(val, decPrec){
var result = Math.round(val * Math.pow(10, decPrec)) / Math.pow(10, decPrec);
return result;
* please do not use this, use the formatDecimal instead
* @deprecated
NumberFormatter.formatNumber = function(num2Format){
return NumberFormatter.formatDecimal(num2Format, true);
NumberFormatter.formatDecimal = function(num2Format, isNumberOnly, a_decimalPrecision){
return num2Format;
return num2Format;
if(typeof(num2Format) == 'number'){
num2Format = num2Format.toString();
if(num2Format == ""){
return "";
var tSep = NumberFormatter._tSep;
var dSep = NumberFormatter._dSep;
var decPrec = (typeof(a_decimalPrecision) != "undefined" && !isNaN(a_decimalPrecision) && a_decimalPrecision >= 0) ? a_decimalPrecision : NumberFormatter.DEFAULT_PRECISION;
var formattedNum = parseFloat(num2Format).toFixed(decPrec);
var isMinus = formattedNum < 0;
var parts = String(Math.abs(formattedNum)).split('.');
var firstPart = parts[0];
var secondPart = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] + NumberFormatter.getLeading0s(decPrec - parts[1].length) : NumberFormatter.getLeading0s(decPrec);
if(firstPart.length <= 3){
firstPart = "-" + firstPart;
if(decPrec > 0 && !isNumberOnly) {
return (firstPart + dSep + secondPart);
return firstPart;
var newStr = "";
for(var i = firstPart.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
newStr = firstPart.charAt(i) + newStr ;
if(i == firstPart.length - 1){
if(i == 0){
var d = (firstPart.length - i) / 3;
if(Math.ceil(d) == Math.floor(d)){
newStr = tSep + newStr;
newStr = "-" + newStr;
return newStr;
return newStr + (decPrec > 0 ? (dSep + secondPart) : "");
NumberFormatter.validateInput = function(inputText, isNumberOnly, isToAllowNegetive, isMandatory, a_decimalPrecision){
if(typeof(inputText) == 'number'){
inputText = inputText.toString();
var returnObject = new Object();
var decPrec = (typeof(a_decimalPrecision) != "undefined" && !isNaN(a_decimalPrecision) && a_decimalPrecision >= 0) ? a_decimalPrecision : NumberFormatter.DEFAULT_PRECISION;
//lets test blank input
if(isMandatory && String(inputText).trim().length <= 0){
returnObject.message = "BLANK_INPUT";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
//no white space is allowed
if(inputText.indexOf(" ") >= 0){
returnObject.message = "WHITE_SPACE_IN_INPUT";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
//check valid chars
var ln = inputText.length;
for(var iCounter = 0; iCounter < ln; iCounter++){
var currentChar = inputText.charAt(iCounter);
//if the first char is minus then let it go
if(isToAllowNegetive && iCounter == 0 && currentChar == '-'){
if(isValidChar(currentChar) == false){
returnObject.message = "INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_INPUT";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
if(isNumberOnly && inputText.indexOf(NumberFormatter._dSep) >= 0){
returnObject.message = "DECIMAL_NOT_ALLOWED";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
var firstChar = inputText.charAt(0);
var lnToTest = inputText.split(NumberFormatter._tSep).join("").length;
if(firstChar == '-'){
lnToTest = lnToTest - 1;
if(lnToTest > 15){
returnObject.message = "TOO_LONG_INPUT";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
//check single decimal separator
var parts = inputText.split(NumberFormatter._dSep);
if(parts.length > 2){
returnObject.message = "MULTIPLE_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
var firstPart = parts[0];
var secondPart = parts[1];
//in the decimal part there can not be thousand separator
if(secondPart!= null && secondPart.length > 0 && secondPart.indexOf(NumberFormatter._tSep) >= 0){
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
var thousandParts = firstPart.split(NumberFormatter._tSep);
for(var iCounter = thousandParts.length - 1; iCounter > 0; iCounter--){
if(thousandParts[iCounter].length != 3){
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
/*if(secondPart.length > decPrec){
returnObject.message = "TOO_LONG_DECIMAL_PART";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
returnObject.message = "VALID_NUMBER";
returnObject.isValid = true;
return returnObject;
NumberFormatter.formatCurrency = function(num2Format){
return NumberFormatter.formatDecimal(num2Format);
NumberFormatter.getLeading0s = function(decPrec) {
var s0s=[];
for(var i = 0; i < decPrec; i++) {
return s0s.join('');
function isValidChar(charToTest){
case '0':
return true;
case '1':
return true;
case '2':
return true;
case '3':
return true;
case '4':
return true;
case '5':
return true;
case '6':
return true;
case '7':
return true;
case '8':
return true;
case '9':
return true;
case '.':
return true;
case ',':
return true;
return false;
function NumberFormatter(){}
NumberFormatter._tSep = ',';
NumberFormatter._dSep = '.';
NumberFormatter.DEFAULT_PRECISION = 2;
NumberFormatter.setThousandSeparator = function(tSep){
NumberFormatter._tSep = tSep;
NumberFormatter.setDecimalSeparator = function(dSep){
NumberFormatter._dSep = dSep;
NumberFormatter.getInteger = function(num2Get){
return NumberFormatter.parseNumber(num2Get, true);
NumberFormatter.getDecimal = function(num2Get, decimalPrecision){
return NumberFormatter.parseNumber(num2Get, false, decimalPrecision);
* this function is to be used before sending
* to server side.
NumberFormatter.parseNumber = function(num2Get, isNumberOnly, a_decimalPrecision){
if(num2Get == ""){
return "";
var tSep = NumberFormatter._tSep;
var dSep = NumberFormatter._dSep;
var parts = (num2Get + "").split(dSep);
var firstPart = parts[0];
var decPrec = (typeof(a_decimalPrecision) != "undefined" && !isNaN(a_decimalPrecision) && a_decimalPrecision >= 0) ? a_decimalPrecision : NumberFormatter.DEFAULT_PRECISION;
var secondPart = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : "00";
if(secondPart.trim() == ""){
secondPart = "00";
var tSepIndex = firstPart.indexOf(tSep);
while(tSepIndex >= 0){
firstPart = firstPart.replace(tSep, "");
tSepIndex = firstPart.indexOf(tSep, tSepIndex);
return parseInt(firstPart);
if(isNaN(firstPart) || isNaN(secondPart))
return NaN;
//alert(Math.round(parseFloat(firstPart + "." + secondPart)*Math.pow(10,decPrec))/Math.pow(10,decPrec));
return Math.round(parseFloat(firstPart + "." + secondPart)*Math.pow(10, decPrec)) / Math.pow(10, decPrec);
function roundVal(val, decPrec){
var result = Math.round(val * Math.pow(10, decPrec)) / Math.pow(10, decPrec);
return result;
* please do not use this, use the formatDecimal instead
* @deprecated
NumberFormatter.formatNumber = function(num2Format){
return NumberFormatter.formatDecimal(num2Format, true);
NumberFormatter.formatDecimal = function(num2Format, isNumberOnly, a_decimalPrecision){
return num2Format;
return num2Format;
if(typeof(num2Format) == 'number'){
num2Format = num2Format.toString();
if(num2Format == ""){
return "";
var tSep = NumberFormatter._tSep;
var dSep = NumberFormatter._dSep;
var decPrec = (typeof(a_decimalPrecision) != "undefined" && !isNaN(a_decimalPrecision) && a_decimalPrecision >= 0) ? a_decimalPrecision : NumberFormatter.DEFAULT_PRECISION;
var formattedNum = parseFloat(num2Format).toFixed(decPrec);
var isMinus = formattedNum < 0;
var parts = String(Math.abs(formattedNum)).split('.');
var firstPart = parts[0];
var secondPart = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] + NumberFormatter.getLeading0s(decPrec - parts[1].length) : NumberFormatter.getLeading0s(decPrec);
if(firstPart.length <= 3){
firstPart = "-" + firstPart;
if(decPrec > 0 && !isNumberOnly) {
return (firstPart + dSep + secondPart);
return firstPart;
var newStr = "";
for(var i = firstPart.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
newStr = firstPart.charAt(i) + newStr ;
if(i == firstPart.length - 1){
if(i == 0){
var d = (firstPart.length - i) / 3;
if(Math.ceil(d) == Math.floor(d)){
newStr = tSep + newStr;
newStr = "-" + newStr;
return newStr;
return newStr + (decPrec > 0 ? (dSep + secondPart) : "");
NumberFormatter.validateInput = function(inputText, isNumberOnly, isToAllowNegetive, isMandatory, a_decimalPrecision){
if(typeof(inputText) == 'number'){
inputText = inputText.toString();
var returnObject = new Object();
var decPrec = (typeof(a_decimalPrecision) != "undefined" && !isNaN(a_decimalPrecision) && a_decimalPrecision >= 0) ? a_decimalPrecision : NumberFormatter.DEFAULT_PRECISION;
//lets test blank input
if(isMandatory && String(inputText).trim().length <= 0){
returnObject.message = "BLANK_INPUT";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
//no white space is allowed
if(inputText.indexOf(" ") >= 0){
returnObject.message = "WHITE_SPACE_IN_INPUT";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
//check valid chars
var ln = inputText.length;
for(var iCounter = 0; iCounter < ln; iCounter++){
var currentChar = inputText.charAt(iCounter);
//if the first char is minus then let it go
if(isToAllowNegetive && iCounter == 0 && currentChar == '-'){
if(isValidChar(currentChar) == false){
returnObject.message = "INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_INPUT";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
if(isNumberOnly && inputText.indexOf(NumberFormatter._dSep) >= 0){
returnObject.message = "DECIMAL_NOT_ALLOWED";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
var firstChar = inputText.charAt(0);
var lnToTest = inputText.split(NumberFormatter._tSep).join("").length;
if(firstChar == '-'){
lnToTest = lnToTest - 1;
if(lnToTest > 15){
returnObject.message = "TOO_LONG_INPUT";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
//check single decimal separator
var parts = inputText.split(NumberFormatter._dSep);
if(parts.length > 2){
returnObject.message = "MULTIPLE_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
var firstPart = parts[0];
var secondPart = parts[1];
//in the decimal part there can not be thousand separator
if(secondPart!= null && secondPart.length > 0 && secondPart.indexOf(NumberFormatter._tSep) >= 0){
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
var thousandParts = firstPart.split(NumberFormatter._tSep);
for(var iCounter = thousandParts.length - 1; iCounter > 0; iCounter--){
if(thousandParts[iCounter].length != 3){
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
/*if(secondPart.length > decPrec){
returnObject.message = "TOO_LONG_DECIMAL_PART";
returnObject.isValid = false;
return returnObject;
returnObject.message = "VALID_NUMBER";
returnObject.isValid = true;
return returnObject;
NumberFormatter.formatCurrency = function(num2Format){
return NumberFormatter.formatDecimal(num2Format);
NumberFormatter.getLeading0s = function(decPrec) {
var s0s=[];
for(var i = 0; i < decPrec; i++) {
return s0s.join('');
function isValidChar(charToTest){
case '0':
return true;
case '1':
return true;
case '2':
return true;
case '3':
return true;
case '4':
return true;
case '5':
return true;
case '6':
return true;
case '7':
return true;
case '8':
return true;
case '9':
return true;
case '.':
return true;
case ',':
return true;
return false;
Hope this will help you all. So long till next time...